
Sunday Morning

Sunday School (9:00-10:00)

The Preschool through 5th grade students are divided into 3 classes: Preschool-1st Grade, 2nd/3rd, and 4th/5th. Through creative activities, based on the Holy Scriptures, the children are discipled in the Gospel of Christ – every story points to Christ. The purpose of children’s Sunday School at GraceFirst Church is to partner with parents in leading toward salvation by grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and growth in new life with Him.

Children’s Church



*Children begin in the adult worship service with their parents at 10:15 and are dismissed from there to children’s church.

During our worship hour, we offer Children’s Church for kids ages 3 through 1st grade. Songs, games, stories, crafts and snacks are used to present the Gospel message each week, introducing the children to the truths of God’s Word and His love for them.   Parents may walk their children to Room 108 when they have been dismissed from the worship service and pick up their children from the same room.

At GraceFirst our desire is to partner with parents in training children.  To support this effort, we keep our 2nd grade students and older in the worship service.  For these students, we provide children's bulletins to help them follow along.  Children's bulletins can be acquired from the Children’s Director.

Wednesday Night

Midweek children’s ministry – Wednesday nights 6:30-7:45


Preschool through 5th grade are invited to participate in a variety of activities, as we present the Gospel each week.  The students rotate through different stations as the lesson for the evening is shared in “Missions,” “Small Group,” and “Games.”  GraceFirst Kids midweek ministry meets through the school year.